Friday, August 10, 2007

Bad News for Book Signings

I have been noticing a bad trend lately and I want to make you aware of it. There have always been Barnes and Noble bookstore locations that did not host author events. It's sad but the stores can't host them for one reason or another. Now I've been hearing a different trend for those locations who DO host author events.

Today I spoke to a CRM (Community Relations Manager) who told me their location only holds events for authors approved through the National Office. Then 2 calls later, another location said the same thing. If you have submitted your book to the small press department of Barnes and Noble asking to be stocked and you were turned down, expect to hear a lot of nos for any book events.

Before you go to your local Barnes and Noble bearing torches, in their defense, the whole goal of booksignings is to sell books. Most first time authors don't sell many books to people outside of family and friends. Barnes and Noble locations spend money on posters and advertising for events. If the authors don't do their part to get people there, the store loses money.

What does that mean for authors? You will be more hard pressed to prove to stores that you will sell books. You can hire a publicist to make some noise in the area but don't expect more than a couple people you don't know to show up unless you are a celebrity. Make sure every event is advertised widely among your friends and family. If the attendance for signings improves, stores might reconsider their position.

1 comment:

Expat Barbie said...

This is great advice -

I'm still in the querying stages (which makes me feel like a band geek trying to score with the quarterback - FAIL) but I've been fantasizing about that illusive first book signing...