Saturday, April 14, 2007

Finding a Literary Agent

This industry is filled with scam artists hiding behind reputable sounding names. You will read many success stories and reasons you should choose this person over that person. There is a rule of thumb I have learned and I find very logical for deciding on an agent.

Don't pay any upfront fees.

Agents with connections will be willing to stand behind your work without upfront costs because they believe they can sell the idea to a major publishing house. Agents that don't think they can sell an idea or don't have connections still need to eat so they charge fees. You don't need to pay a "reading fee", any sort of representation fee and they shouldn't have any expenses that you need to reimburse them. The only money they should receive is their percentage from the publisher's advance.

The best place I can suggest starting your search for literary agents is again the world wide web. Do a google search for "literary agent" and start looking at links. Try to find out the agents for successful authors in your genre and start there.

Good luck!

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